Photo Session With a very special cat

I’ve had blind cats for over 10 years now, so the cat photography I do with Saving Grace is very important to me. This rescue takes in special needs cats with “issues” ranging from blindness to deformities and everything in between. Since I take photos for them on a semi-regular basis I’m usually able to get at least one photo of each cat or kitten that comes into the rescue, but I’m not always there to see the final result. What I mean is a lot of these cats and kittens come into the rescue needing some sort of surgery or rehabilitation, and though I do my best to provide a complete photo timeline of their recovery it’s not always possible due to my schedule. However, whenever possible I try to make sure I have at least one “before” photo as well as one “after” photo, and that is what I did for this very special little guy. He was originally named Dr. Traysaurus, and came into the rescue with badly damaged eyes. He was also tiny, and needed a lot of love to blossom into a healthy cat.

I met Dr. Tray early on in his recovery, and  before I knew it he had surgery on his eyes and was adopted! Though I was obviously extremely happy for the little guy, I was sad that I never got to see what he was like “post-op.” So I arranged a meeting with his new family, and they graciously let me come over and get a few photos of Dr. Tray, which they had renamed Bump. Just FYI, blind cats are extremely good at navigating their environment, but they do bump into things quite often, so the name is fitting. For what it’s worth, with my own blind cats I have seen them run into walls and fall off cat condos dozens of times over the years, and they have never hurt themselves. It’s just part of being a blind cat. Here are the photos I took of Bump, along with a side-by-side showing before and after. Thanks again to Saving Grace for all its love and devotion to one very special kitty.

Cat photographyCat photographyCat photographyCat photographyCat photography


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